The update on erahunter is done by now but because lots of people subscribe to her patreon and they make $2k a month(as of the moment i write this) doing nothing it's easy to assume that they're not going to post the update until people leave her patreon and when that happens that's when they gonna post it.
It takes 1 year and 12 months. Nearly in 2 years lol. So it might take 2 years or close to 2 years. There's only two developers working on this game. And they got a second game as well. They're busy irl during the holidays. But most people are having doubts on continuing supporting them in patreon. They didn't mention if this is full time job but it definitely seem like a part time job. I don't have patreon so this my educated guess. Sorry for the long paragraph. Oh and they delay cause Covid back then.
I'm just sooo hoping for an update of EraHunter. I do play Naked Adventure, but I think EH is much more compelling.
I'm just not fond of the idea that the protagonist is being blackmailed to go naked, instead of choosing to do so, and that she finds herself chased by pervs. EH is much more playful imo.
Your games (Naked Adventure and EraHunter) seem pretty funny ! Could I do some let's play videos of it ? ^^ (knowing that I share on pornwebsite and earn a bit of ads revenue from that)
It looks like this is mirroring the Patreon level at which this is available. I suspect that when it becomes available to the lowest tier Patreon supporters, it will be free here as well
I found on the old free version (0.5) here . I think a new version of the game is available you need have patreon level.
This is great! I love it. Also Era Hunter is also great. Keep up the good job good sirs. I wish you good health.(^_^). Just wondering when is the next uupdat on both games??
was very interesting to play through, would like to see some more other stuff beside the box-quests, like let her take a bath, also want to know what is in package or what happened to it from quest8....
also found a softlock during the "birthday-boy" scence, in the choose sequence pressed right-clicked, to get into the menu and then the scence got interrupted and also couldn't leave the room, had to reload the save...
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任务 6男生宿舍在哪里?
where is quest 9 box
В левом верхнем углу первой зоны
Where is task 9? And yes, who wrote at the fountain there is no fountain at 1 location only at the second
I loved the Game
(I just played for a few minutes but i already love it) it's a good story and also has good mechanics
wonder what the next fully nude day event will be.
Первая Лока в правом углу у фонтана 9 квест
why did you abanddon your EraHunter? the game and the storyline is amazing
The update on erahunter is done by now but because lots of people subscribe to her patreon and they make $2k a month(as of the moment i write this) doing nothing it's easy to assume that they're not going to post the update until people leave her patreon and when that happens that's when they gonna post it.
damn that sucks
somebody knows where the save files are?
sorry I should specify that I'm using android, regardless thanks
One Box I have found. Where the other boxes?
There's no save button
How do we know which package to get from the warehouse? The 'image' in the quest is not showing at all...
You just gotta walk around until you find it I think its in the bottom of the warehouse
Do i have to play from the beggining? I ended v0.5 and now after downloading 0.6 it shows "continue" greyed out
You have to take your saves folder from .5 and put it in .6
Как только ночью Ника выходит из дома то рядом есть кактус который даёт много фрагментов, я полагаю что вы забыли убрать, Игра Супер
How often does the game get updated?
It takes 1 year and 12 months. Nearly in 2 years lol. So it might take 2 years or close to 2 years. There's only two developers working on this game. And they got a second game as well. They're busy irl during the holidays. But most people are having doubts on continuing supporting them in patreon. They didn't mention if this is full time job but it definitely seem like a part time job. I don't have patreon so this my educated guess. Sorry for the long paragraph. Oh and they delay cause Covid back then.
I'm just sooo hoping for an update of EraHunter. I do play Naked Adventure, but I think EH is much more compelling.
I'm just not fond of the idea that the protagonist is being blackmailed to go naked, instead of choosing to do so, and that she finds herself chased by pervs. EH is much more playful imo.
I'm with ya on that one, but I'm adding onto this with my favorite games typically being set in medieval/fantasy type worlds
Your games (Naked Adventure and EraHunter) seem pretty funny ! Could I do some let's play videos of it ? ^^ (knowing that I share on pornwebsite and earn a bit of ads revenue from that)
It seems they only answer on Patreon.
is this not free anymore?
It looks like this is mirroring the Patreon level at which this is available. I suspect that when it becomes available to the lowest tier Patreon supporters, it will be free here as well
who knows, the author, as always, is silent and does not react in any way to comments, under both projects!
Seems they focus on Patreon. They are quite responsive there.
I found on the old free version (0.5) here .
I think a new version of the game is available you need have patreon level.
Does anyone know where the 9nth box is?
This is great! I love it. Also Era Hunter is also great. Keep up the good job good sirs. I wish you good health.(^_^). Just wondering when is the next uupdat on both games??
How to "save game" on android I cannot find the button for it
touch the computer in the room
Took me a while to find that out as well
How many boxes are there to find in the current build?
was very interesting to play through, would like to see some more other stuff beside the box-quests, like let her take a bath, also want to know what is in package or what happened to it from quest8....
also found a softlock during the "birthday-boy" scence, in the choose sequence pressed right-clicked, to get into the menu and then the scence got interrupted and also couldn't leave the room, had to reload the save...
is there penetration in this?
count me in
What's the game synopsis? And how do you play on android?
Mc has an adventure, while naked
To play, touch the screen, i guess
sounds about right